E-commerce ideas in Europe that you can make profitable in your free-time

Become a freelance specialist in writing, design, web development or coding

Editors, developers, coders and graphic designers can start their own online business by monetizing their skills. As a freelancer, you will be able to put your skills to good use by helping people around the world in their projects while making money, of course. Freelancing does not mean engaging in multi-month projects that nibble all your free time. You can choose missions that fit your schedule. To find customers who need your services, join freelancing platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. It is important to note that Fiverr is a platform different from the usual freelancing platforms. All published gigs have a budget initially set at $ 5. The key to succeeding at Fiverr is to cleverly craft your offers so you can offer the customer additional services that cost more. For example, as an initial $ 5 service, you could propose writing a 150-word introduction for a blog post. As a complementary service, you could charge an additional $ 5 for all 150 additional words. You should test different strategies until you find the most cost-effective combination of services. But to have complete control over your rates, create your shopify shop. All you have to do is list your services as products and deactivate the shipment since you are not going to sell anything to consumers. You could even use applications like BookThatApp and Events Calendar to allow customers to schedule appointments. Why freelancing? When you are freelancing, you choose the projects you want to work on, and you organize your schedule and workspace as you wish. Whether you want to become totally independent or just earn an income supplement on weekends, it is often very rewarding to be paid to work in a field in which you excel. Whether you’re new to writing, graphic design, or web development, freelancing is a great starting point for building your portfolio and gaining on-the-ground experience in a multitude of niches. You may discover to your great surprise that you have a talent or passion that you were not even aware of.

Teach an online training

Selling an online education can be an interesting way to generate passive income. All you have to do is create a series of videos or video tutorials that teach a particular skill or explain a topic that you master perfectly. These videos will be your training that you will host on your own Shopify site. While creating your training will likely take time and effort, developing a series of high value video tutorials will help you generate a steady income as long as people continue to register. To begin creating your first online training, think about a subject or skill that you have mastered enough to convey your knowledge in a professional and structured way. There is no shortage of choices – DIY training, social media marketing, photography, web programming, etc. Next, you’ll need to use a screen capture tool, such as Snagit or Camtasia, to record your screen and voice as you guide your students through your tutorial. Why sell online training? By selling online training, you can literally push automation to the extreme. Spend a few weeks or months creating your training, depending on the degree of specialization you are aiming for. You could start reaping the benefits of your efforts after only a few weeks. You already have the knowledge. You only have to share them now. Choose a subject in which you are an expert and the rest will come naturally – whether it’s developing iOS applications, better managing your business finances, or delivering profitable advertising campaigns on Facebook. Teaching a new skill to someone is in itself a rewarding act. Although there is a lot of money to be earned in the online training niche, helping others is always a noble experience.

Sell ​​rare items on your site

If you are an experienced bargain hunter and you love to explore collectors’ shops, you could quite possibly open your own online store of rare items and items. Your target customers are looking for original items, but they do not want to waste their time combing vintage articles that offer anything and everything. Take advantage of this lack of specialization by positioning yourself as a curation expert able to find the right vintage items for his clients. Why sell rare items and items? Make your passion for shopping profitable. Admit it, you’re already spending time exploring vintage stores, so why not make money at the same time? Margins can be huge. If you are a connoisseur and you have flair, you could easily buy at a price sacrificed items that seem innocuous to most people, but could be resold at a much higher price. You sell something unique. No one will be able to find on the Web the vintage collections that you propose.

Publish your own book

You can admit it: the idea of ​​publishing your own book has already crossed your mind. Although the idea of ​​having your name on a list of successful authors may seem fanciful to you, the goal is not unattainable. It does not matter what type of niche you will target with your written material – p. ex. sci-fi novel, marketing guide, illustrated children’s guide – there are many services today that allow you to self-publish your work effectively. From publishing your book as an e-book to printing on demand with services like Lulu, Blurb and CreateSpace, there are many ways to become a published author and sell your book online. To sell e-books in your Shopify online store, thanks to the Digital Downloads application you can immediately add digital files as products for sale. Once a customer makes a purchase, the e-book or download link is automatically sent to them by e-mail. If you choose to sell physical copies of your book, services like Lulu support printing on demand. They will take care of you to print your book and send it to the customer who ordered it. Why publish a book? Printing, warehousing and shipping are supported by services like Lulu and CreateSpace. Self-publishing and online selling greatly enhance your reach as an independent author. This combination is one of the fastest ways to land your book in the hands of potential readers. If writing is your passion, you deserve to make a living doing what you love.
European businessman: where to find a web marketing consultant?
Business idea: e-commerce ideas that you can make profitable in part time

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